The focus lies on nature conservation in the energy transition, acceptance and participation, social innovation, promotion of technologies, ressource management and climate mitigation. Overarching topics are the sensitisation, dialogue and networking of stakeholders as well as capacity building.

Current Projects


Im Austausch mit Unternehmen und Wissenschaft werden Möglichkeiten geprüft, wie Rest- und Nebenstoffe aus der ersten Verarbeitungsstufe von Lebensmitteln bioökonomisch genutzt werden können.


CoAct aims to convert residual biomasses available in Friedrichshafen and in the Lake Constance district into a renewable energy source and activated carbon.


The main objective of CSSC Lab is to familiarize municipalities and smaller cities in the Danube region with innovative approaches to solutions in the field of sector coupling.


Eine mehrteilige Weiterbildung will Fachpersonal im Bausektor, das bei Solargründachkonstruktionen beteiligt ist, für diese klimafreundliche Option schulen und die reibungslose Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Gewerken fördern.

Municipal Heat Planning Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg

On the way to a greenhouse gas-neutral heat supply, there are many planning needs at municipal level. Strategies for reducing the energy demand of buildings and decarbonising the heat supply, by integrating renewable energies and waste heat must be harmonised. The Lake Constance Foundation and the Energy Agency of the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg region support municipalities in building their strategy.

PV-Netzwerk Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg

The aim of the PV-network is to show: “Solar energy is still worthwhile”. Through information and education, the project promotes both roof- and ground-mounted photovoltaics.



Finished Projects


Nachhaltige Bioökonomie – durch die Erstellung von Unterrichtsmaterialien für Lehrkräfte und Studierende zu diesem Thema sollen die zukünftigen Landwirt*innen für dieses Thema sensibilisiert werden.

Bioenergy Region Lake Constance

Establishing a network of stakeholders to increase the knowledge transfer, raise awareness for bioenergy and to create a platform for further development. Special emphasis is laid on the development of sustainable bioenergy projects and alternatives for maize production.


COALESCCE aims to increase the capacity for community-based approaches to local renewable energy provision across Europe in order to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy security and tackle fuel poverty whilst driving ‘Green Growth’.

Energy Region – Efficient Heating Systems

Heating grids strengthen regional value chains and contribute to climate protection. The project supports municipalities, cooperatives, energy communities or  initiatives from the project beginning to the implementation.


Processing urban greencuts and rural grasslands for energy production and preserving biodiversity with the help of “integrated solid fuel and biogas production from biomass” (IFBB).


The European HORIZON 2020 project shows what contribution biogas can make to a future RES based energy supply.
Biogas communities as an important element of a sustainable energy production. Redesign of the biogas landscape through community-based approaches.

Naturschutzaspekte bei zukünftigen Regelungen zur Wärme- und Kälteerzeugung

Schaffung eines Orientierungsrahmen und einer Wissensbasis zur Einsteuerung von Naturschutzbelangen in die Entwicklung der zukünftigen Wärme- und Kälteversorgung

Power Kids: Municipal Climate Protection

Primary school children playfully learn about energy and climate protection in their local environment. They discover challenges and develop their own solutions, which they also represent artistically.

Power Kids: Bioenergy

The project Power Kids allows children to experience within their local environment energy and in particular bioenergy.


The energy transition in the hands of citizens: In order to increase energy democracy, socially innovative enterprises such as cooperatives, aggregators and crowdfunding platforms will be strenghtened.