The focus lies on enhancing pollinating insects and biodiversity in municipalities, microplastic in water bodies and the internationel network Living Lakes. Overarching topics are the sensitisation, dialogue and networking of stakeholders as well as capacity building.

Current Projects

Clean Lakes, Clean Future

Verringerung des Eintrages von Mikroplastik in Gewässer durch Sensibilisierung und Implementierung von Lösungsansätzen.

Landschaft für Schmetterlinge und andere blütenbesuchende Insekten

Durch angepasstes Management von Grünflächen und die Schaffung neuer Strukturen sollen die Lebensbedingungen für blütenbesuchende Insekten in der Slowakischen Region Podpoľanie verbessert werden.

LLBCP Living Lakes Biodiversitäts- und Klimaprojekt

Das Living Lakes Biodiversitäts- und Klimaprojekt trägt zur Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung von Seen und Feuchtgebieten sowie zum Schutz der mit ihnen verbundenen Biodiversität bei.


Das Projekt analysiert Konfliktfelder verschiedener Akteursgruppen im Wald, fördert das gegenseitige Verständnis und trägt aktiv zur Reduktion von verschiedenen Nutzungskonflikten im Wald (in Anzahl und Tragweite) bei.

Development and implementation of an internationally oriented certification system for peat substitutes

The project aims to develop a certification system for peat substitutes that verifies the ecological, social and economic sustainability of the various substitutes.

Flower Kids

Kids learn about different habitats, wild herbs and pollinating insects (with a focus on wild bees) in a playful and active way and are supported to get involved in biodiversity and wild bee protection in their living environment.

Living Lakes

The aim of the initiative Living Lakes is the protection of the worldwide water reserves. A study conducted by the UN shows, that over 1.4 billion People only have access to dirty water or to not enough water.



Finished Projects

Blue Lakes – Mikroplastik in Seen

Verringerung des Eintrages von Mikroplastik in Seen: Sensibilisierung und Implementierung von Lösungsansätzen.

People – Bees – Biodiversity

The project focuses on the concept of „Blühbotschafter“: Ambassadors for a blooming landscape. Flower ambassadors are people who want to promote pollinators in their personal surrounding.

Blühendes Bodenseeland

With international partners around the Lake Constance and the cooperation with different stakeholders, we want to increase the amount of habitats and food sources for pollinating insects.

Small Water Bodies for the Lake Constance Region

Creating a network of small water bodies for amphibians and insects around Lake Constance. Linking and training the stakeholders. Fostering environmental education on small water bodies.

Netzwerk Blühender Bodensee

Network for a species and flower-rich Lake Constance region – creation of habitats and food sources for pollinating insects

Nature Experience for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Creating a stronger focus on nature experiences for blind and visually impaired people at Lake Constance and three other lakes in Germany.