Integrated urban-rural concept for the production of activated carbon and energy sources from residual biomass (CoAct)
Field of action: Energy Transition
Project goals: CoAct pursues the goal of converting residual biomasses available in Friedrichshafen and in the Lake Constance district into an energy carrier and activated carbon. The project will develop innovative governance arrangements that will facilitate the reconciliation of interests and the long-term coordination of relevant urban-rural actors.
Project area: Lake Constance District
Duration: 2018 – 2023

Municipalities and rural districts face the challenge of replacing their fossil fuel-based products to meet their climate protection goals. While renewable raw materials from forestry and agriculture are used extensively energetically or materially, residual biomasses, e.g. Foliage or landscape care material, find no or at least no high quality use.
In the research and development phase, the project will determine the necessary technical, economic, ecological and legal knowledge base for the development of sustainable CoAct process variants. On the other hand, the actors involved, their relationships and interests are analyzed and innovative strategies and instruments are developed to shape the decision-making and implementation process for the CoAct process, which is to be carried out jointly by the city and the district.
In the second project phase (implementation and consolidation), the project will support, moderate and accompany the decision-making process for a CoAct process variant and the development of the implementation concept by the local authorities with innovative instruments, referring to the findings of the first project phase.
Contact person: Volker Kromrey
Phone: +49 (0)7732-9995-48
Project Partners
- City of Friedrichshafen
- ifeu – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH
- Institute for Rural Development Research
- Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH
- Lake Constance District
- Lake Constance Foundation
- Pyreg GmbH
- TZW: DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser – the German Water Centre
- University of Kassel (project management)
Project Funding
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research