Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project

Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project


Field of action: Nature and Lake Conservation

Project goals: The Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project contributes to the conservation and restoration of lakes and wetlands and the protection of the biodiversity associated with them.

Project area: Lake regions in Africa, Asia and South America (South Africa, Rwanda, Malawi, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Cambodia, Mexico, Colombia, Peru)

Duration: August 2022 – August 2027


Lakes, wetlands and surrounding landscapes need to be protected and restored to halt biodiversity loss and climate change. Eleven partners from ten countries of the Living Lakes Network develop the competences of the most important actors for the use and management of the lakes. Authorities, administrations and civil society improve their knowledge to reduce negative impacts of agriculture, fisheries and tourism and to better manage lakes.


The project addresses three main target groups: sea managers, farming and fishing communities and policy makers. The focus of the measures including capacity building, training programmes, public relations and citizen science) is on women and youth. The involvement of indigenous peoples’ representatives will also be crucial.

Partners will implement innovative techniques for wastewater treatment, wetland restoration, invasive species management or biodiversity-friendly agriculture in “frontrunner initiatives”. Experiences will be disseminated at regional, national and global level to achieve better implementation of laws and management plans for lake protection, strengthening of non-governmental organisations and their participation in consultations. Trainees from the project receive further training via the virtual Living Lakes Academy. They receive a certificate for the training. Materials from the project are offered via the project page.


Contact person: Volker Kromrey


Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-48

Homepage:  Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project LLBCP

Copyright: Global Nature Fund
Copyright: Bodensee-Stiftung