Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions
A regional alliance of farmers, food companies, municipalities and other land users
Field of action: Agriculture & the Food Sector
Project goals: The goal of LIFE Insect-responsible Sourcing-Regions is to establish stable regional alliances with numerous land users together with the food industry for insect protection on landscape level.
Project area: Germany
Duration: September 2020 – October 2025
The decline of insects is representative of the dramatic loss of biological diversity. The concept of insect-responsible sourcing-regions addresses with agriculture and the food industry large areas of potential insect habitat. It offers the opportunity to develop sustainable solutions for a biodiversity and insect-friendly agriculture on a regional level with the close involvement of other land use actors and to anchor these solutions in agricultural practice and beyond.
Regional biodiversity action plans are being drawn up in 7 insect-responsible regions. IMeasures to protect insects are being tested on 10 pioneer farms each and further farmers are being motivated to implement a substantial action plan. The effects on insects and biodiversity are being monitored. At the same time, farmers, auditors and food companies are trained and consumers are sensitized to the topic. It is also important to create attractive incentives for farmers and reward the added value through public programs and the food industry.
Contact person: Patrick Trötschler
Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-41
Project Partners
- Global Nature Fund
- Netzwerk blühende Landschaften
- Bäuerliche Erezugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall
- Nestlé
Project Funding
- Deutsche Postcode Lotterie
- Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
- Deutsche Rentenbank
- Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg
- Landratsamt Bodenseekreis
- Sparkasse Bodensee