AWA Webtool
Agricultural information service on sustainable adaptation to climate change
Field of action: Agriculture & the Food Sector
Project goals: Provision of agricultural information on climate change and sustainable adaptation (know-how on climate change, yield compilations, agriculturally relevant climate indicators and sustainable adaptation measures).
Project area: Europe
Duration: since 2020

Climate change is recognised as one of the most serious environmental, societal and economic challenges the world is facing, and agriculture the sector with the highest exposition to climate change. Until the end of the century, mainly negative impacts of climate change on agriculture have been predicted, which will enhance already existing environmental problems such as soil erosion and pest pressure. Therefore, agricultural adaptation needs to go beyond mere adjustments of current practices and has to be sustainable. Well and professionally prepared knowledge is an important factor in enabling farmers to make decisions to adapt sustainably.
Within the framework of the EU project LIFE AgriAdapt, the Lake Constance Foundation, together with its project partners from Estonia, France and Spain, has developed a new information service on the sustainable adaptation of agriculture to climate change. The so-called AWA web tool offers informative and agriculturally relevant information on climate change and sustainable adaptation. Of particular interest to farmers and consultants is the graphical presentation of 29 agricultural climate indicators for more than 300 sub-regions and the description of more than 90 measures for sustainable adaptation in arable farming, livestock farming, fruit growing and viticulture. The web tool is available free of charge at and is aimed at farmers and other agricultural experts in education, the advisory sector and administration.
The Lake Constance Foundation aims to complete the missing yield and climate data in the AWA web tool for Germany as extensively as possible.
Contact person: Patrick Trötschler
Phone: +49 (0) 7732-9995-41
Homepage: Webtool:
LIFE AgriAdapt: