Capacity Building Workshop – LIFE Blue Lakes
When? On the 1st of July 2021, 14:00 – 16:30 h CET
Where? Online via Zoom

The current state of science on the topic of microplastics in water bodies requires further research. This is why seven partner organizations, led by the Italian NGO Legambiente, have launched the EU-Life project “Blue Lakes” on this complex issue.
The LIFE Blue Lakes project contributes to the reduction of microplastics in lakes in Europe. The increasing contamination with microplastics has long-lasting negative effects on lake ecosystems and their unique biodiversity. The measures are implemented exemplary at Italian and German lakes. Results and experiences will be made available to organizations at other lakes in Europe that are engaged in lake protection.
The measures are aimed at local authorities, businesses, industries and the communities in the lake regions. They include the development of solutions and the introduction of best technological practice in wastewater treatment, the information and sensitisation of citizens about the problem and what everyone can do to prevent or reduce microplastic pollution. Moreover, the project contributes to achieving the objectives of the European strategy for plastics as foreseen in the transition process towards a circular economy.
The workshop is free, online registration is required here.